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apple bureaucracy cpp dash design dropbox elhaso git go google java kerf kotlin languages metaprogramming misc multitasking music nim objc politics programming python seohtracker static-linking swift testing tools user-experience

Blog posts by date

In Spain they can force you to work without payment for more than a year 13/03/2025 23:27
En España te pueden obligar a trabajar sin salario durante más de un año 12/03/2025 18:22
Jetbrains backs off on Kotlin/Native memory model, Android devs too stupid to learn new tricks 30/05/2021 19:28
Machine learning is killing Dropbox search 04/05/2019 19:50
From Python windows console to Nim Karax webapp 26/03/2019 20:58
Package managers, the lazy alternative to git submodules 19/11/2018 00:30
Prototyping a dumb server for location sharing apps 01/04/2018 01:27
Chromecast without internet is the Shitcast 20/07/2017 19:12
Apple's Core Data greatest feature: brainwashing 28/05/2017 09:45
Static vs dynamic linking is the wrong discussion 26/12/2016 09:41
Patterns as solution anti-patterns 23/06/2016 22:51
Kerf timestamps done almost right: conclusions 06/03/2016 22:54
Kerf timestamps done almost right: WTF… Java? 06/03/2016 22:53
Kerf timestamps done almost right: Swift 06/03/2016 22:52
Kerf timestamps done almost right: C++ 06/03/2016 22:51
Kerf timestamps done almost right: Nim 06/03/2016 22:50
Kerf timestamps done almost right: a new type? 06/03/2016 22:49
Sad ways documentation generation tools suck 11/08/2015 21:45
Hard memory problems 14/06/2015 20:05
Whitespace goto fail 17/04/2015 23:37
Goodbye Nim, and good luck 04/02/2015 22:23
Writing C libraries with Nim 14/01/2015 22:59
The day Go reinvented macros 07/01/2015 22:59
The problem with Linux packages 14/12/2014 17:15
Using Vagrant for Nimrod builds 08/12/2014 17:10
Swift string interpolation with Nimrod macros 11/11/2014 23:40
Adding Objective-C properties to Nimrod objects with macros 12/10/2014 21:46
Will iCloud deliver this time? 29/07/2014 00:19
Why I will never use an iWatch 09/07/2014 19:05
Dirrty objects, in dirrty Nimrod 07/06/2014 19:23
Songs for the NSA 15/05/2014 21:45
Testing installation instructions 01/05/2014 17:00
Could Dropbox switch to Nimrod? 04/04/2014 19:12
The sweet trap of dynamic languages and development time 24/03/2014 21:57
Nimrod for cross platform software 10/03/2014 21:17
Invoking Dash from the command line Vim 15/02/2014 09:06
Master can't die 06/02/2014 09:34
The tyranny of git-flow defaults 17/01/2014 23:39
Small big mistakes 14/01/2014 08:02
Worse than global variables 09/12/2013 10:54
40 years later we still can't be friends 07/10/2013 23:29
You have to realise that someday you will die… 01/10/2013 14:45
Users prefer static linking 03/08/2013 12:31
First post! 19/06/2013 12:31

Links to stuff you should avoid

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